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Intro to administrators on RingCentral Video Pro
and Pro+ | RingCentral app

Administrators, or admins, have the highest level of permissions within their RingCentral Video Pro or Pro+ account. When a user is given these permissions, they will have access to the Administration page via Settings, where they can add new admin users and configure their company account settings.
Users are assigned as an admin by other admin users. In order to be assigned as an admin, you must be a co-worker in the RingCentral app — that is, you must be an employee of your company and not added to the RingCentral app as a guest user.
There are two types of admin users in the RingCentral app: Super Admins and regular RingCentral Video Pro and Pro+ admins.

Super Admins

Initially, the account administrator of a RingCentral Video Pro or Pro+ account is the person who created the account for the company and is called the Super Admin. 
Super Admins can:
  • Assign another co-worker as a Super Admin
  • Upgrade their company’s RingCentral Video Pro account to a RingCentral Video Pro+ or RingCentral RingEX account
  • Access administration settings within the RingCentral app, where they can create other users and manage certain company app settings
  • View all private and public teams from the Contacts menu, where they can join private teams, reassign team admins, modify team settings, and more (for RingCentral Video Pro+ accounts only)
  • Request company data export (for RingCentral Video Pro+ accounts only)
RingCentral online account Super Admins can access the RingCentral Admin Portal, where they can perform the following:
  • Assign roles and permissions to RingCentral Video Pro and Pro+ users
  • Set meeting settings for all company RingCentral Video Pro and Pro+ users
  • Change company appearance settings such as company name, physical street address, and more
  • Unlock accounts that have been locked for too many failed login attempts
  • Manage data retention for meeting recordings
  • View company analytics related to messages and meetings
  • Configure single sign-on
  • Manage billing information

RingCentral Video Pro and Pro+ admins

Admin permissions vary depending on whether you have a RingCentral Video Pro or Pro+ app. However. RingCentral Video Pro+ admins will have all the same permissions as RingCentral Video Pro admins, with some additional permissions.

RingCentral Video Pro admin permissions

  • Viewing all guests (i.e., people not on your company's private email domain) in the Contacts menu. Non-admins, on the other hand, can only see guests with which they are in a conversation with.
  • Removing guest users and invites from your company on the RingCentral app. Non-admins can only remove people who have been added but haven't actually signed up yet. Note: Co-workers cannot be removed.
  • Deleting posts made by other people. This includes system-generated posts, such as when a user is added to or joins the team. Note: Admins can't delete posts from conversations in which they aren't a participant.
  • Assigning admin privileges to other co-workers.

RingCentral Video Pro+ admin permissions

RingCentral Video Pro+ admins have the following additional permissions:
  • Managing message data retention
  • Managing file sharing
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