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Release Notes

RingCentral Desktop and Web App | February 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Desktop and Web App.
Version 23.1.20
Release Date: February 2023
  • Background noise reduction
    • Keep phone calls distraction-free by removing unwanted sounds.
  • Scan-to-fax
    • Scan a document and fax it directly from your scanner or Multi-Function Device using the RingCentral desktop app.
  • Mic and speaker combo
    • Manage your calls more efficiently. Select your microphone and speaker source in a single option when you're on a call.
  • Message and calling options
    • Highlight a phone number in any app or web page and press F6 to dial the number using the RingCentral app.
  • Admin control to disable HID/Jabra/Poly
    • A new feature that allows admin accounts to configure which headset vendors are supported for their company's users, increasing the reliability of the headsets being used.
  • Show my primary number in Settings/Profile
    • If you have more than one direct number, now you can choose a primary number to display on your mobile, web, desktop apps, and the Admin Portal to those who call you. You can edit your number from your profile screen.
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