Release Notes

RingCentral Contact Center Central | Summer 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Contact Center Central. For Contact Center User Hub Release Notes, please refer to this page.
Release Date: Summer 2022

Central Release Notes for Summer 22.2

Each feature description includes a table that states whether the following details apply to it. ✓ means that the detail applies to the feature and X means that the detail does not apply to the feature.
Customer Request The feature was developed by customer request.
UI Change The feature introduces major user interface (UI) changes.
When you can expect to see the feature in your environment.
On toggle— This is a major release. The feature automatically toggles on later in the release. 
On deploy—The feature is immediately available when the new release deploys to your environment.

Global Changes

Use Company Domain Button Added to the Contact Center Login Page

A new button, Use Company Domain, will be added to the Contact Center login page.
See what the new button will look like
With this button, you will be able to use your company's custom domain name to see your authentication pages. Depending on your business unit configuration, you will be able to see the business unit banner, marketing area, and single sign-on (SSO) profiles.
If the Business Unit ID is received in the URL used for your Contact Center system, the authentication page will not show the Use Company Domain button.
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Support Added for Use of Access Keys through Global Authentication/Token Endpoint

You will be able to authenticate your users with access keys through the Contact Center global authentication/token endpoint. To do so, you will have to register for this method in the DEVone Developer Community. CXone supports a single API endpoint to retrieve access tokens. You can discover the endpoint for access keys with OpenID Connect discovery.
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Internationalization and Localization for Global Authentication

Contact Center will offer global authentication features in the user's native browser language. The following languages will be supported:
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Canadian French
  • Japanese
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Support Added for Claim-Based OpenID Connect Linking of New Users

Some ID providers require a unique subject identifier for each Contact Center application. This has made it impossible to pre-configure federated identity for these users in Contact Center. Instead, the user had to log in using a different method, and then manually link their OpenID Connect identity to their user account.
With this release, Contact Center will be able to use a different claim value, like an email address, to establish the user's identity at their first login only. Contact Center then automatically switches to the unique OpenID Connect subject identifier. This update will make it easier to set up a user's federated identity using the unique, stable OpenID identifier.
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Assigned Inactive State for User Skill Assignment Added to ACD Bulk Upload Template

Currently, in the user interface, you can set user skill assignments to one of the following three states:
Assigned active—the skill is assigned to the user, and Contact Center can route contacts to them based on that skill.
Assigned inactive—the skill is assigned to the user, but Contact Center cannot route contacts to them based on that skill.
Unassigned—the skill is not assigned to the user.
In the ACD bulk upload templates, only the assigned active and unassigned states are supported. Starting with the Summer 2022 release, you will be able to set user skill assignments to assigned inactive with the bulk upload templates. This update will more closely align the bulk upload templates to the user interface, which will allow for a more seamless user experience.
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Help Text Added to Filled ACD Bulk Upload Templates

You can download blank ACD bulk upload templates or filled templates in Contact Center. Filled templates come with all your current data in Contact Center already included. Using a filled template, you can edit existing information in Contact Center, add more information as needed, or both. Then you can upload all your changes and additions into Contact Center. Currently, only the blank template comes with help text to explain each column. This update will add the help text to the filled templates. The help text will help you understand the purpose and use of each column in the template.
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Obsolete Fields Removed from Contact Center

The Other Abandons field will be removed from the Details tab on the ACD Skills record.
The Start day of week field will be removed from the Details tab on the Business Units record.
These fields serve no function in Contact Center. Their removal will reduce confusion about their purpose and use.
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Omnichannel Session Handling Available for FedRAMP

Customers in FedRAMP Moderate and High environments will have the option to use Omnichannel Session Handling (OSH). This feature must be enabled for your business unit. Ask your Contact Center Account Representative for more information.
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New Permissions to Block Outbound Calling

A new Block Outbound Calling set of permissions will be added to the ACD permissions in Admin. It will allow you to restrict various kinds of outbound calling for MAX agents based on their security profile.

User Assignment Permission

When enabled, the existing ACD permission for User Assignment will allow you to easily add, remove, and manage skill proficiencies without having to leave Supervisor. This will save time and allow you to more quickly correct for contact center volume changes.
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Continuous Agent Monitoring Permission

If you have the Continuous Agent Monitoring permission enabled, you will be able to continuously monitor an agent's interactions in Supervisor until:
  • You manually stop monitoring.
  • You choose to take over the interaction.
  • The agent leg disconnects.
  • You log out.
This feature will add flexibility and will make it easier for you to configure interaction monitoring according to your individual company policy.
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Support Added for SAML 2.0 Login Authenticators

Users will be able to set up login authenticators for SAML 20. Contact Center will also support multiple instances of SAML 2.0 with this release. You will be able to assign different instances to different users.
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Agent for Salesforce

See the Agent for Salesforce version log for a list of previous versions.
The following features are included in version 21.0 and are expected to be released in June 2022.

Display Dynamic Data When Accepting a Call

You will be able to use Studio scripting to display custom data about a contact in the Agent for Salesforce interface. The custom data will appear when an agent accepts a call. This will be useful for agents who need to know information about a contact other than their phone number, the call time, and the skill.
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Bi-directional Presence Sync

A new bi-directional option will appear in Salesforce Agent Settings under Presence Master. It will allow the CXone Agent application and the Salesforce Omnichannel widget to sync. Any changes made to one will appear in the other.
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Ring Tone for Idle Agents

Currently, if agents using an Integrated Softphone session are in an idle state for over two hours they must log out and then log back in. Otherwise, they won't hear a ring tone to signal incoming call. With version 21.0, a ring tone will sound regardless of the duration of an idle state. This adds convenience for agents, and helps ensure incoming calls are not missed.
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New User Permissions

You will be able to manage user permissions for these functions:
  • Mute
  • Record
  • Mask
  • End Call
  • Create Commitments
This will be done in Contact Center. If you choose to disable a function for a user, that function's button will be hidden in the user's Agent for Salesforce interface.
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Unavailable Code Breakdown in Agent Reports

Currently, agents can see how much time they've spent in the available, working, and unavailable states in Agent Reports > Productivity in Agent for Salesforce. With version 21.0, they will also be able to see a breakdown of how much time they've spent in each unavailable code.
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Increased File Size for Outbound Email Routed by ACD

Supported file size will be increased to 40 MB.
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New Channel Support in FedRAMP Moderate

SMS and email channels that route through the CXone ACD will be supported for use in FedRAMP Moderate platforms.
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CXone Attendant

View Changes to CXone Attendant User Settings in Audit History Tab

Any changes you make to a user's CXone Attendant tab in Admin > Users in CXone will appear in the user's Audit History tab. This will enable you to see a more complete record of changes made to each user.
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Clear the Extension and DID Fields When Deactivating CXone Attendant Access

Currently, when you deactivate a user's access to CXone Attendant in CXone, the Extension and DID fields lock in their values. With the Summer 2022 release, you will be able to clear the fields automatically based on a new configurable setting. This will release the extension and DID. You can then assign them to another user.
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DB Connector

DB Connector Support for CXone OpenID Login

DB Connector will now support CXone OpenID login.
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Feedback Management

Response Limits

You will have the option to specify a monthly survey response limit. This limit is set on the company level, not on the individual survey level. Feedback Management will stop collecting responses once they reach your specified limit. Users who have unfinished surveys will still be able to complete them. This feature will give companies more control over their usage charges.
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Data Deletion 

Currently, Feedback Management users are not able to delete old survey records. With this release, companies will be able to delete:
  • Survey invitations
  • Survey responses
  • Any related data, such as contact information
Opt-out records are always retained.
This will provide greater flexibility for companies to comply with internal data retention policies and government regulations such as the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act. Thoughtful data deletion can also improve performance for companies with large amounts of data.
Deleted data cannot be recovered. Due to the risk of accidental deletion, only NICE CXone personnel can schedule and start deletion jobs. You'll need to work with your CXone Account Representative to set up a data deletion schedule that meets your needs.
The feature will also include a new Data Deletion Configuration History page. You'll be able to review each update related to data deletion. The page shows who made the change, the date and time of the change, and the exact update to each field. ​​
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Anonymous Survey Sharing in Modern Themes

In modern theme surveys, you'll be able to ask contacts if you can share their comments online. When they agree, their comments appear anonymously on a comment stream. You can then share the stream on a Facebook Fan page or other website. This feature is currently available only in classic themes.
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Modern Theme Survey Enhancements

Modern theme surveys will feature a number of improvements:
  • Long words will no longer be hyphenated at the end of a line. Instead, the entire word will appear on the next line.
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  • Link and web pop-up surveys will no longer require a contact's email address. This will give you flexibility to record other information about the contact even when the contact’s email address is unknown.
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  • Surveys displayed on a desktop screen have a visible scroll bar on the right side of the page. This gives the respondent a visual cue that there are more questions. Respondents using a desktop can also more easily find the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the survey page. This feature was included in the April service pack.
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Early Notice: Net Promoter Benchmarks

While not part of the upcoming release, the 2022 U.S. Consumer Net Promoter B2C and B2B Benchmarks will soon be available in the Research area of Feedback Management.

Early Notice: Classic Themes Deprecation

Later in 2022, Feedback Management will no longer support these classic themes:
  • London
  • Monterey
  • Portland
  • Tokyo
Before this happens, modern themes will offer the same features as classic themes. These include slider surveys and mandatory question asterisks in front of the text. Once only modern themes are supported, any classic theme defects will no longer be fixed. You can upgrade to modern themes easily. Just navigate to the new Modern Style page and make your selections.

IEX WFM Integrated

User Deletion for GDPR Compliance

Currently, when you deactivate a Contact Center user account, the user moves to an inactive MU in IEX and their data still exists. A new setting will allow you to permanently remove their data from IEX. This helps your organization comply with GDPR regulations in Europe. After the Contact Center user is deactivated, the IEX account will be marked for removal, and after 7 days, deleted from IEX. This is a tenant-level setting, so be aware of how this might affect non-European users or seasonal employees. If GDPR is a requirement for your organization, contact your Contact Center Account Representative.
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WCX Cloud Integration Features

If your system is hosted in the NICE cloud, you will be able to use additional IEX integration features, including:
  • Display agent schedules in MAX
  • Sync Contact Center user data to IEX
  • Improved delivery of intraday metrics
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Update IEX User Data via Change File

The IEX WFM Import/Export feature will be enhanced to support updating user data from external sources. You will be able to automate the process of updating user data by importing a file to a Contact Center SFTP server. This will allow you to streamline the task of enriching your data. For example, you might have human resources software that tracks a user’s supervisor. You could automatically add this information to users in IEX.
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Option to Enable IEX WFM and CXone WFM Concurrently

You will be able to use both CXone WFM and IEX WFM Integrated within the same business unit. This facilitates unique situations where one option better suits a specific group, or if you want to transition from one option to the other.
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Multiple ACD Business Units

If your organization has multiple business units, you will be able to use these business units under one IEX tenant. This will allow you to unify forecasting, scheduling, and workforce management activities.
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Interaction Analytics

Streaming Export to Cloud Storage Services

Users will be able to export data from Interaction Analytics to storage with secure external access in Cloud Storage Services. Data will be exported in near real-time and include the following:
  • Internal metadata
  • Contact metadata
  • Agent metadata
  • Annotations, such as sentiment and frustration
  • Categories
  • Interaction transcripts
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Removal of Transcript from Export in the Interactions Widget

With the release of the streaming export feature, transcripts will no longer be included in exports from the Interactions Widget. The "Combined Transcript" column will be removed.
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Support for Canadian French

Users will be able to analyze Canadian French interactions in addition to English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish interactions. Separate datasets can be created for each of these languages; that is, one language per dataset.
When you add Canadian French analysis to Interaction Analytics, a drop-down for language will be available for dataset creation and for category and workspace templates. To support Canadian French datasets, you will be able to create custom categories, sentiments, and entities. Selected widgets and filtering capabilities will also support Canadian French. The Interaction Analytics user interface remains in English only.
Each language in addition to English is a purchasable add-on. Ask your Contact Center Account Representative for more information.
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New Permissions to Block Outbound Calling

A new Block Outbound Calling set of permissions will be added to Admin. It will allow you to restrict various kinds of outbound calling for MAX agents based on their security profile. The Block Outbound Calling permissions will include these options:
  • Ad-hoc
  • Redial
  • Agent
  • Address Book
  • Skill
  • Elevation
  • Save & Redial
  • Transfer
To block a specific outbound calling type, you will be able to check the box next to each option. By default, all of the boxes will be cleared.
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Real User Monitoring

MAX will now support Real User Monitoring (RUM). RUM collects data and metrics about user performance so that you can use it to improve processes. It also makes it easier for Contact Center Support to help you troubleshoot issues more quickly.
By default, RUM is deactivated for every business unit. When you activate RUM, the system will log 5% of agent sessions. This percentage can be increased by NICE CXone Support if needed.
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Personal Connection

Restrict Caller ID Choices to Verified Entries 

You will be able to restrict the caller ID values for the Override Caller ID setting so that only numbers from the verified caller ID table are available. This will ensure that your outbound calls are assigned to a verified caller ID value, which will receive full attestation using the SHAKEN protocol. The feature also prevents agents from accidentally choosing an unverified caller ID. To restrict the available values, contact your Contact Center Account Representative.
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Updates to PlaceCall StudioAction

The PlaceCall action will include Laydown functionality for automated handling of answering machine messages. This will improve answering machine detection (AMD) and accurate recording and delivery of messages.
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Reporting and Dashboards

Campaign Restrictions Won't Disable the IVR Press Path Report

The Summer 2022 release will update permissions to prevent the IVR Press Path report from being disabled by campaign restrictions. This change improves the current experience, which is:
  • You restrict a campaign in a security profile.
  • For the point of contact used by the campaign, you select IVR Reporting Enabled.
  • The IVR Press Path report generates data for the point of contact.
  • For users with the restriction in their security profile, the report is disabled.
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Daylight Savings Time in Custom Reporting

Custom reports will automatically observe Daylight Saving Time (DST) for all reporting time intervals. This will be based on the selected time zone for your business unit. You will notice the change with the next DST shift this fall.
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Reporting API Updates

Reporting APIs will receive minor updates, plus offer new variations for several existing APIs.
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Updates to Studio Action: PlaceCall

The PlaceCall action will be updated to include Laydown functionality for automated handling of answering machine detection (AMD) and accurate recording and delivery of messages. This will improve the user experience with answering machine messages by accurately identifying the results of the attempt to leave a message. It will indicate if a message was left, when voicemail was reached, or if an error was encountered, such as the voicemail box being full.
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Studio to Use Global Authentication

Studio will use the new global authentication service that was introduced in 2020. This will increase the security of logins. It will also align authentication in Studio with other parts of the Contact Center suite.
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User Assignment Permission

When enabled, the existing ACD permission for User Assignment will allow you to easily add, remove, and manage skill proficiencies without having to leave Supervisor. This will save time and allow you to more quickly correct for contact center volume changes.
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Continuous Agent Monitoring Permission

If you have the Continuous Agent Monitoring permission enabled, you will be able to continuously monitor an agent's interactions in Supervisor until:
  • You manually stop monitoring.
  • You choose to take over the interaction.
  • The agent portion of the call disconnects.
  • You log out.
This feature will add flexibility and will make it easier for you to configure interaction monitoring according to your individual company policy.
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Workforce Management (CXone)

Intraday Enhancements

As part of the Intraday Manager enhancements:
  • Filter by scheduling unit—You will be able to filter to view data for specific scheduling units. This will allow you to focus on KPIs and staffing for your scheduling unit.
  • Refined staffing metric—The Actual column in the Staffing metric will display data for the full-time equivalent of agents that were considered open by the ACD.
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Overtime Activity Codes Enhancement for Calculating Adherence

You will be able to improve monitoring and reviewing overtime activities. This will be done by enabling the Overtime attribute in the overtime activity code settings. When enabling the overtime attribute, the activities codes will be mapped to all open activities.
When agents work overtime and are open for interactions or involved in one, they will be in adherence to their schedule.
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Forecasting: Multiple What Ifs

You will have the option to create more than one alternative forecast to your primary forecast. This will give you the option to see how multiple changes to the forecast data affect your staffing.
With multiple alternative forecasts, you will be able to:
  • Rename each one and save them as a separate staffing plan.
  • Compare them with the primary forecast.
  • Delete all alternative forecasts with one button.
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Forecasting: Performance Enhancements in the Staffing Step

When reviewing the staffing plan in Forecasting, the data for number of agents will load faster.
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Rotation Rules: User Interface Enhancements

As part of the user interface enhancements, you will have an improved display and user experience.
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Forecasting by the Week

Forecasting by week will allow generating the forecast for short time intervals. There will be three additional time interval options:
  • One week
  • Two weeks
  • Three weeks
The new options will give you better control over generating an accurate forecast. Values and graphs will be available at the weekly level. Weekly forecasts will have better alignment with the schedule generation process.
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Summer 2022 Cumulative Update 2

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


Rarely, refused contacts would become stuck in queue.


  • The Verified for Emergency Call Dispatching field appeared for all user profiles, even for those in countries where emergency calling isn't supported yet. 
  • When a user was deactivated, the Edit button disappeared from the General tab


GET /points-of-contacts returned isActive and outboundSkill with values of 0 and 1 instead of true and false

Auto Attendant

Out-of-office statuses weren't automatically changing after the specified end date. 

Developer Portal

The GET /points-of-contact response included totalRecords, which didn't appear in the model in the Developer Portal. 

Reporting & Dashboards

The Agent Timecard report showed incorrect agent login times. 


Clicking Save As in a phone script that contained a ReqAgent action returned an error. 

Summer 2022 Cumulative Update 3

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


The Audit History tab of some features sometimes showed entries for events that didn't happen. 


  • When /skill/summary and /skill/{id}/summary requests were sent with only start date and end date parameters, a 500 error was returned. 
  • GET agents/state-history didn't return milliseconds for the StartDate field. 
  • PUT points-of-contact/{pointOfContactId} didn't set the specified chat profile value. Instead, it set the default chat profile. 

Customer Chat Interface

URLs sent to contacts through chat showed up as plain text without a preview. 

Contact Center Attendant

The side menu would sometimes disappear.


  • Running a custom report manually or on a schedule failed and returned a platform error. 
  • Data Download report 525, List of POCs Expanded, sometimes contained data for other customers. 
  • Typing an agent's name in the Contact History report search field returned no results.

Summer 2022 Cumulative Update 4

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


  • Email and work item contacts would get stuck in queues. After the contacts were ended, they remained in the PersistentContactLog. 
  • In some environments, it took a long time for inbound calls to connect to an agent.
  • In an Omnichannel Session Handling-enabled environment, agents couldn't transfer a call when they had another interaction open. 


  • When a station ID assigned to agents was deleted, those agents' user profiles became inaccessible. 
  • When users downloaded the existing users file from the Manage Multiple Users page, the file showed incomplete data for the User Type
  • The Audit History tab of team profiles didn't contain entries for some events. 
  • Changes made to a user profile resulted in a platform error. The changes wouldn't save if the user chose to send the error report. 

Contact Center Attendant

In the Users Contact Center Attendant tab, inactive profiles included the Edit button and didn't show a Contact Center Attendant Access Type of None


In environments where a webpage opened when an agent took a new call or chat, browser refresh issues on those webpages sometimes occurred. 

Personal Connection

When users tried to save a Personal Connection ACD skill with Override Caller ID disabled, Contact Center returned a "caller ID required" error. 


  • Agents with the Contact HistoryAgent View permission enabled were able to see contact history reports generated by any agent instead of only their own. 
  • In some environments, users couldn't search for agent names in the Contact History report to find contact IDs. 
  • Opening a Contact Details report from the Contact History report sometimes caused an error. This happened when the agent who handled the interaction was on a team with a name that exceeded 30 characters. 
  • The number of abandoned emails reported in the Evolve data download report didn't match the number reported in the Contact History report. 


  • The REST API action ignored the specified TimeOutInMilliSeconds. Instead, it always timed out after 30 seconds. 
  • Script histories showed incorrect data. 

Summer 2022 Cumulative Update 5

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


Emails parked for an extended period wouldn't reroute.


The Performance report showed inaccurate data that didn't match the Contact History report. 

Personal Connection

The time zone Hawaii Standard Time (HST) wasn't mapping to records in the dialer.


  • The value for certain metrics in the Outbound Agent Performance report didn't match the value of the same metrics run in a custom report for the same time period and interval. 
  • The Outbound Report Store Contact Details report showed either the wrong agent or no agent associated with calls where the call was force disconnected. 


  • The Framework action Dnc Records by groupId caused errors on save.
  • Manual outbound SMS scripts sometimes wouldn't save. 
  • When a user included the 'Time' variable in a Snippet action via the String Editor or Eclipse on Data Properties, it saved as lowercase 'time.' 


The app would freeze for long periods of time.

Contact Center Workforce Management

The Forecast Profile page slowed or crashed when multiple values for the By Time shrinkage option existed. 
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