July Product Update
We hope everyone has had a great July! We have several new product updates to share this month - read on to learn more.
Updates for event organizers
Event Schedule Draft State
Build your event schedule without the need to publish it right away. Organizers can now toggle public visibility of specific segments or an entire schedule, allowing them to create and work on their event segments while in draft mode. Learn more here.
Improved Hybrid Reporting
In order to provide organizers with meaningful insights, two new reports (Segment Registration and Segments added to My Agenda) have been added. We have also updated the Schedule Report so that it covers Hybrid Events as well.
Onsite-Only Sessions and Stage
Organizers can now specify in their schedule onsite-only segments. This will remove any confusion for attendees and allow the activity panel to live front and center. Learn more here.
Updates for attendees
Threaded Messages
The event chat is now even more engaging, with the ability to reply directly to messages to continue the conversation via a thread. The Notification Center will also store all these threaded messages so that all messages can be easily accessed at all times. Learn more here.
In-Event Schedule Improvements
We improved the overall schedule visibility throughout the event, making it available and interactive at any point in time from any event area. Now, attendees can search, filter and bookmark event segments as they wish.
Learn more about this month’s updates and influence future releases
To learn more about this month’s releases, check out our Knowledge Base.
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