Managing questions

Last updated on March 15, 2022
Hosts and cohosts can decide whether or not to have Q&A available during the webinar. Hosts, cohosts, and panelists can choose to answer and manage questions. Attendees can only post questions.
As a host or cohost of a webinar, ensure that the Q&A is allowed for your webinar. A notification will appear on the Q&A button when a question comes up in the webinar.
Q&A button with notification
Hosts, cohosts, or panelists can click on the Q&A button on the bottom menu and choose how to manage the questions. They can sort the Q&A list prioritize to answer the questions with the most votes, by oldest to newest or by newest to oldest. They can also choose a status to tag a question to help answer and manage the Q&A. A checkmark will appear on the chosen status, and a corresponding tag will appear under the thumbs-up icon.
Q&A host view
  • Votes: Give the question a vote. You can give your question a vote. Attendees can also react to other questions and their questions.
  • Answer: Allows you to answer a specific question. Click the Answer button and enter the answer in the field. Click Send when done. Answers are limited to 500 characters only. A question can also be answered multiple times. The question will not have the More icon once answered manually in the Q&A window.
  • More icon: Opens a menu to select from a list of actions that you can do to help manage the question. A checkmark will appear next to your selected tag.
    • Duplicate question: Tag the question as duplicate. A corresponding note will appear on the attendees’ view when the question is tagged as such.
    • Answered live: Tag the question as answered live. A corresponding note will appear on the attendees’ view when the question is tagged as such.
    • Waiting for follow-up: Tag the question and it will appear in the Need to Follow up tab.  
    • Dismiss: Dismiss the question. The question will disappear from all the attendees’ views except for the attendees who asked, so they know why their question is not appearing.
    • Clear status: Clear the question of any given status. The question will not have any status and the corresponding note. Dismissed questions will reappear from the attendees’ view.
Hosts will be able to download the Q&A report when the webinar ends.
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