Desktop & web

Finding the meeting ID in RingCentral Rooms

Last updated on March 28, 2022
There are times when Proximity Sharing or Bluetooth detection may fail, and you would need to manually share the meeting ID with your participants. You can find the meeting ID in RingCentral Rooms from either the host or the controller while in or out of a meeting.

Finding the meeting ID

There are three ways to check the meeting ID.

From the host’s screen

You can identify the meeting ID by checking the upper right corner of the screen of the host.
Host screen meeting ID

From the controller

You can locate the meeting ID by tapping the Information icon on the Room controller to open the meeting information.
Meeting information

From the share guide

  1. Open the Room on the controller.
  2. Click on the Share screen button.
  3. Locate the meeting ID in the share guide.
Share screen guide
Share screen guide 2
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