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Triggered Alerts Log widget on the Alerts Log dashboard 
| RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021
The Triggered Alerts Log is a table that lists all triggered alerts that resulted in notifications.
Triggered events log table.
These logs contain the same information you receive in an Alert notification while providing a single place to assess events or characteristics that caused an alert to be triggered. 
You can see data for:
  • Alert Name: The name given to the alert when it was set up.
  • Severity: Low, medium, or high relative impact of an issue as assigned by the user who created the alert.
  • Alert Owner: Who set up the alert.
  • Triggered Time: Date and time the event occurred that caused the alert to be triggered.
  • Target type: What the alert is set to monitor: Entire Company, Locations, Users, ISPs, Devices, or Rooms.
  • Target: Name of object of target type, such as company name or ISP name. For example, the alert’s target type might be Location with the target set to United States.
  • Alert Rules: Synopsis of rules that trigger the alert.
  • Trigger Condition: What threshold percentage triggers the alert.
  • Link to the report: A clickable link that opens the full alert report in a new browser window. The new page is the dashboard for which the alert was set up, with filters applied to reflect the calls, meetings, or other criteria that caused the alert to be triggered.
Sort on any column by using the arrows to the left of each column label. 
Use the Alerts Log filters to show alerts for specific criteria, or click on a point in the Events Trend graph to show data for that point in time.
Clicking on an Alert Name entry brings you to a page with the alert’s setup criteria. You can also modify the criteria here. Clicking on Go to Report in the Link to the Report column opens the analytics dashboard for which the alert was created. For example, if your alert criteria was set to track status on the Devices dashboard in the Rooms & Devices analytics report, the link opens the Devices dashboard with records specific to the alert trigger. 
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