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Release Notes > Rooms > August 2021
Release Notes

RingCentral Rooms | August 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Rooms.
RingCentral Rooms for Windows
VERSION 21.3.20
Release Date: 8/20/2021
What's New
  • Pair room host and controller before sign-in
    • Rooms will build local communication channel before login. User needs to input pair code to pair with the host before signing in.
  • Setup and switch mic, speaker, camera
    • Allow IT admin to setup and specify preferred microphone, speaker and camera in and out-of-meeting.
  • Version compatibility & Force update
    • Windows Rooms now support backward compatibility of host app with Rooms controller app. If the host or controller app is below the minimum version, the force update will be triggered.
Bug Fixes
  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes
RingCentral Rooms for Mac
VERSION 21.3.20
Release Date: 8/20/2021
What's New
  • Phone as Room controller over Bluetooth with hardened security
    • Mobile users can now control a room via Bluetooth only and without necessarily connecting to the same WiFi as the room. 
    • To ensure a secure connection, the Bluetooth is encrypted, and the pairing code for 2-factor authentication is now 6 letters.
  • Pair room host and controller before sign-in
    • IT admins can now pair the room host and controller before signing in. 
Bug Fixes
  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes
Android Rooms on Poly
VERSION 21.3.20
Release Date: 8/20/2021
What's New
  • ATT branded Poly Rooms 
    • ATT users can now use their ATT room account to log in to Poly Rooms for meeting experience.  
  • Pair room host and controller before sign-in
    • IT admins can now pair the room host and controller before signing in. 
    • If host is signed out accidentally, IT admin can still pair the host with the controller and sign in from the controller again. 
  • Personal phone as Rooms controller
    • To enable a touchless experience in conference rooms, users can now control the room from RingCentral mobile app.
    • This is a feature only open for all RC brand users and rooms.
  • Setup and switch mic, speaker, camera
    • IT admins could setup and specify preferred microphone, speaker and camera. And it allows to play test sound to make sure Rooms system device setup correctly.
    • Rooms system will display error notifications when there is no peripheral or preferred peripheral is disconnected.
  • Control camera in meeting(Poly and Logitech Rooms only)
    • Rooms users can also switch between multiple cameras, if Room connects with more than one camera.
Bug Fixes
  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes
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